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What must not be said to an artist!

Good morning contemporary art lovers!
Funny quotes and advices:

One of the hardest parts of being an artist is courting the seemingly endless barrage of awkward, inappropriate and downright rude comments hurled your way. Whether it's an intended compliment or an ignorant gaffe, some statements about l'arte are better left unsaid.
Thus we've compiled an unofficial guide outlining what you definitely, positively should not say to an artist, whether friend or foe. We called out to some of our favorite artists, bloggers and beloved readers for their input. If you're an artist, odds are you've heard one or more of these statements before. And for this, we apologize.
Study the egregious statements below, coupled with appropriately absurd stock photos. (Is anyone this happy while they're painting. Really?) Let us know your own most reviled statements in the comments.

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